Guitar Player, December 1991 |
Book Review: Mark Hanson, The Music of Leo Kottke If figuring out Kottke's solos has your fingers tied in knots, you can learn 13 of his most intricate, innovative instrumentals with this high-quality three-volume book/tape series. The sets are organized according to Kottke's use of standard, drop D, and altered tunings and include "William Powell," "Times Twelve," "Busted Bicycle," "Sweet Rotunda," and "Jamaican Holiday."
On the companion tapes, Hanson patiently and logically walks through each piece. The 22-page booklets have tab only, but they're accurately detailed with rhythms, chord symbols, and performance instructions. Designed by a master teacher and player, the sets cost $19.95 each (California residents add $1.30 per set; foreign, add $3.50) and are available from Accent on Music, Dept. BR, Box 417, Palo Alto, CA 94302. -- JF
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